Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Honeymoon is Over

Today marks the end of my first month on SP. I update my ticker on Saturdays so yesterday my scale showed a loss of 15.2 pounds. Yes, of course I am psyched but the first month is always easy. That's when motivation is highest and the weight loss is most dramatic. Believe me, I know. I have been on pills, potions, and believed the purveyors of impossible promises for many years. There is always some secret ingredient or magic combination that someone has recently discovered to assist the masses with their masses. I have noticed this week that my excitement has dwindled. I am still on program, but it is not as fun as it was at first. It is funny how the mind and body combine to work against the new and exciting to make it just ho hum after a while.

I know I will have to fight this to succeed in this long journey. I will have to find ways to bring back the thrill, to celebrate the little victories that will finally add up to a healthier me.

I am worth the work, the effort, the pain. I have to keep on track, on target. Yes, it is hard. Name something worthwhile that doesn't take working at it, my marriage for example. That is the one thing in my life that I've started that by the grace of God, I will complete. My weight loss goal will be the second. And like my marriage it will be hard, but the rewards will be surprising, not easily seen from the outside, and lasting.

The honeymoon is over, now comes the hard part.